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Disney & Nick : Movies
My information blog about Disney, Nick, and Walden films

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Candyman : My Official Biggest Pride Video

After the El Nin-Yo! fever of me, I still believe in me! Thanks to the phone call from Forwardmag who wants me to make a video of any Christina Aguilera's song. I've chosen Candyman. It's like a competition to meet and greet Christina when she was here having a tour in Thailand. Honestly there're only 3 competitors because it's very rushing project. So, I win and get to meet Christina Aguilera. It was a lifetime experience!!!!

The short girl in the left is my sister [lol]

This one was quicker than the first one and didn't became that known. But this one is more official and technically higher quality, because I used a video camera for this one. But, still, I did it all by myself except some dance moves that the girls figured out.

So, enjoy the video and leave a comment if you want to!

Wan Pavitra & Klao Arwica : Dancers & Choreoghrapers
Pear & Pooh : Settings
Jaja [My Sister] : Camera Girl
Bua Jarumon : I dunno why she was there!
Christina Aguilera : Candyman from the album Back To Basics
Forwardmag & GSM Advance : Sponsored This Event

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OHHH lucky youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
BTW : i love the I <3 NY T-Shirt !!!!